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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Office design

Should you have a couch? Hang all your degrees? Have plants? Artwork?

All of these details to your office can seem to be pretty innocuous. However, each of them will tell the client a little about you. And depending on your population they can have either a positive , negative , or a mixture of both.

Let's say for example you decide to hang all of your degrees in your office. Depending once again on your population this can be either good or bad. so some clients may prefer to see your degrees because they want to know that they're seeing someone who is highly trained and educated and that gives them peace of mind. however on the other hand some clients might see all your degrees and feel like you're so above them that there is no hope you would ever understand them because you are so much more educated than they are.

The same thing can go for the other categories that I just mentioned in the beginning of this article. You really need to base your office design on your clients.

Just like I spoke about before meeting your clients where they are. this goes back to that you need to make your office a place where they can feel comfortable what talking with you and needs to be in an environment that meets their needs where they are.

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