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Saturday, February 28, 2015

You know your burnt out when.....

  1. You no longer want to see clients or do group.
  2. When you do, do these things you slack off and don't put 100% like you used to.
  3. You stop doing the thing that you enjoy.
  4. You are Always Tired.
  5. You feel that your job is monotonous and you just don't see the point of putting in effort.

Pretty much you get the picture of what burnout is. and I know that most of you have heard this through your classes and in your professional lives. Listed below are some ways to curb burnout or to bring out back out of it.

  1. Try some new group/individual activities.
  2. Talk to your supervisor of colleague about what's going on.
  3. Take a small amount of time off.
  4. Recall that passion that got you into the field in the first place.
  5. get back into at least 1 hobby or activity that you love to do.

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